

Discover what projects I have been involved in.


A job tracking web app that utilizes React/Next.JS on the front-end and GraphQL powered by Apollo Server for our back-end. Offers account creation for both employers and job seekers.

Hawkins Library

A CRUD app for keeping track of library books and events, which has a front-end utilizing React/Next.JS with hand-written MySQL queries to access data from our database.

freeCodeCamp Contributer

Participated in contributing to freeCodeCamp. This involved creating a pull request that was reviewed and approved by other contributers. The contribution added consistency across the JavaScript challenges offered through the website.

Pet Shelter API

REST API created through Node.JS. Users can perform CRUD functionality on API routes related to pets and shelters as well as create an account through Auth0. Postman tests were written to go along with the API.

Let's Talk!

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koonrebekah@gmail.comFind Me on GitHubConnect on LinkedIn