
About Me

Read more about me to discover who I am.

Who am I?

My name is Rebekah. I live in Eugene, OR. I'm currently an IT assistant at the University of Oregon, where I work in the biology department. I was formerly a TA for Computer Science classes at Oregon State University, where I assisted in an introductory programming class as well as an introduction to databases class.

I originally pursued a career in education but later discovered a passion for programming. After taking some initial classes, I decided to change my career path and enroll at Oregon State University, where I received a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I am interested in web development, primarily the back-end aspect. However, I am always interested in learning new skills! I hope to find a career at a company interested in transforming the lives of others through technology.

In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with friends, family, and my dogs. I enjoy playing the piano and traveling to new places.

Rebekah's Skills

Let's Talk!

Interested in hiring me for a project?

koonrebekah@gmail.comFind Me on GitHubConnect on LinkedIn